SS - Green Design Contest

Wed, 8 May 2024
Posted in Secondary School

The National Educational Platform (NEP) at the Modern University for Business and Science (MUBS) invited local secondary school students to participate in the Green Design Contest organized by NEP in partnership with Go Green Recycle (GGR), Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (SPNL), and Association for Forest, Development, and Conservation (AFDC).


The aim of the contest was to promote social responsibility among the youth at a very young age, raise awareness on different ecological issues, drive the youth to become part of the team to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and educate them on different social and environmental issues through their creativity. 


Our 1st Secondary student, Clara Assaad, participated in the “Life on Land Category” at the contest. During the 1st phase of the contest, she was selected among the 5 out 400 participating students who were qualified to participate at the final stage of the competition. The top five selected students awards were announced during the NEP Conference that took place at the Ministry of Education, on April 26, 2024. We are so proud to announce that our student, Clara Assad ranked second. 

Clara’s personal statement: “This challenging and enriching competition focused on the sustainable development goals, I've got to experience a deeper understanding of global issues and proposed effective solutions to overcome them. Through research and work, I was able to reach 2nd place out of 400 students in 4 different categories, from schools all around Lebanon. This competition, not only highlights, the importance of the SDGs, but also fueled my dedication and passion to advocate for a change.”

Contest Poster for photo.jpg
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MUBS NEP Green Design Contest - Photo 2.jpg
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