The Scout movement is defined as a voluntary, non-political and educational movement for young people, open to all without distinction of origin, race or creed. The five Goals are defined:
Spiritual Development
Character Development
Social Development
Physical Development
Manual and Artwork Development
All leaders follow the training methods of the SDL (Scouts du Liban) and GDL (Guides du Liban) associations. Well trained, they voluntarily choose to serve the members of their group.
The scouts’ locations in the school are as follows:
The Scouts Du Liban (Boy scouts) have their quarters located at the ground floor and Mezzanine of the St. Charbel building.
The “Guides Du Liban” (Girl scouts) have their quarters located at the ground floor of St. Rafqa building.
Recruitments to the group are made once a year in October. Normally only students of Grade 3 are admitted.