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I. Objectives

The main objective of the Secondary School division is to help all students develop into mature young adults in all aspects of their life including: spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual and academicals. This division strives, through its qualified faculty and dynamic program, to ensure the success of students in the official exams, internationally recognized standardized tests (SAT) and university entrance exams.



Age Groups

First Secondary

15-16 years old

Second Secondary

16-17 years old

Third Secondary

17-18 years old


Secondary School Branches

First Secondary


Second Secondary

·    Humanities

·    Scientific

Third Secondary

·   Economics & Sociology(ES)

·    General Sciences (GS)

·    Life Sciences (LS)



II. Curriculum
  • In the First Secondary class, faculty members use cooperative and interactive learning methods in accordance with the national curriculum and SJS standards. Students abiding by academic norms and standards, engage in pluridisciplinary research, public speaking and term paper writing. Students are exposed to various science and humanities subjects and are oriented to select the best successive class. The choice between sciences or humanities is based on promotion requirements (academic abilities), as well as students’ talents and potentials
  • In the Second Secondary class, students gain an in-depth understanding of the acquired knowledge by actively participating in the learning process. In conformity with academic norms, students engage in scientific research, maquette building and scientific term paper writing based on interactive lessons and experimental observation. Students acquire a more profound level of learning through analysis, synthesis, evaluation and critical thinking. They are initiated during self-evaluation and orientation sessions to choose the most appropriate track for the final year
  • In the Third Secondary class, students are called forth to meet two important challenges; first, pursuing education in college, and second, passing the official exam. They also grow into becoming actively involved in decisions related to their daily life, and are directly prepared to embrace life outside the school as active members in the society.


The subjects taught are the following: Christian Education, Arabic, English, French, Philosophy/Civilizations, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Civics, Economics, Sociology, Computer, Arts, and Physical Education.


The curriculum integrates the Counseling Department, Career and University Orientation, Child Development, Nutrition Awareness Programs and Morning Assemblies that help the student grow spiritually, physically, emotionally and intellectually.

III. Extra Curricular Activities

Secondary School offers a wide variety of extra-curricular activities that are an integral part of the whole educational program and goals. They include Model United Nations, Face to Faith, Injaz, leadership summits, exhibitions, competitions, social activities, sports, clubs, field trips, Vision, Dimensions, spiritual retreats, community service, career guidance, and orientation sessions and leadership training. The school year calendar also comprises the Award Distribution Ceremony, Field day, Flag Day and Independence Ceremony, Christmas Campaign, Concerts and Festivities, Lent Campaign, Reading and Cultural Week, Book Fair, Leadership weekend, University and Career fairs, Third Secondary Festivities, “Vintage”, and Graduation Ceremony.

IV. Promotion Policy



18    20

Very Good

16 – 17.99    


14 – 15.99


12 – 13.99


11 – 11.99


Below 11










In order to be promoted, the student must meet the following general criteria and those relevant to his/her respective class.

General Conditions:

  • A minimum attendance of 135 days during the academic year
  • A minimum conduct grade of 85/100
  • A minimum general final average of 11/20

The general final average is calculated as follows:  50% for the "daily grades" and 50% for the Term Exams Grades.


1st Secondary

  • To be promoted to the Sciences Section, a minimum final average of 12/20 is required in each of the following subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology
  • To be promoted to the Humanities Section, a minimum final average of 11/20 is required in each of Arabic and English


2nd Secondary

  • To be promoted to the General Sciences Section, the final average in each of the following subjects has to be no less than:  13/20 in Mathematics, 12/20 in Physics and 11/20 in Chemistry
  • To be promoted to the Life Sciences Section, the final average in each of the following subjects has to be no less than: 13/20 in Biology, 11/20 in each of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
  • To be promoted to the Economics and Sociology Section, the final average in each of the following subjects has to be no less than: 12/20 in Economics and Sociology, and 11/20 in each of Mathematics, Arabic, and English
  • To be promoted to the Literature and Humanities Section, the final average has to be no less than 11/20 in each of Arabic, English and Philosophy
  • A student who has a passing general final average but fails in one or two main subjects may be conditionally promoted and must sit for a qualifying exam
  • A student who fails to meet some of the academic requirements may be conditionally promoted and must sit for qualifying exams and follow-up procedures required by the promotion committee
  • A student who fails to meet the required conditions must repeat the grade in which the requirements were not met, with the exception of students of the 3rd secondary.  In the event of a subsequent failure, the student is asked to change school
  • A student with a conduct grade of 85/100 or below may be asked to change school
  • A student with a conduct grade between 86/100 and 90/100 will be placed under disciplinary probation for one year. Failure to abide by the probation requirements may result in asking the student to change school

V. Homework Policy

The student is always expected to do his/her homework. In case a homework assignment is not completed, the following measures will be taken:

1st time: the student has to do extra work at home

2nd time: if the student does not do the homework in the same subject, one point is    deducted from the next test and the student’s parents are notified.

 3rd time: if the student does not do the homework in the same subject, a detention will be given on Saturday. In this case, a demerit slip may be issued, because this reflects lack of self discipline.

VI. Graduation Policy

In order to be eligible for a graduation diploma from SJS, a student must meet the following conditions:

A minimum attendance of 135 days during the final academic year.

A minimum general final average of 10/20.

  • With honor, a minimum general final average of 14/20
  • With honor and distinction, a minimum general final average of 16/20
  • With honor and high distinction, a minimum general final average of 18/20

A minimum conduct grade of 90/100.

A minimum of 15 hours of community service during each of the 2nd Secondary and the 3rd Secondary years.

  VII. Rules and Regulations

All students are bound to conform to the SJS honor code and guiding values.



Doors open at 7:25 am and close at 8:00 am. All students are asked to be present at 7:50 am for the morning assembly. For students arriving after 8:00 am, parents are requested to accompany them to the Administration prior to attending class.



Dismissal is at 2:50 pm. Students who use the school means of transportation are asked to head to their respective buses promptly; those who use private means should head to the school main gate and leave by 3:15 pm.



Discipline is a shared responsibility among the students, the parents, and the school. Students must behave with self-respect and respectfully treat others, including teachers, staff and peers.


Merit and Demerit System (Cf. School Policies page 16)


Uniform and Attire

Students’ appearance and attire strongly communicate their attitude. The Secondary School uniform includes the following: The school shirt, sweater, jacket, dark colored pants, and school appropriate shoes.

Pants with low waist lines, badges, logos, and tears are not allowed.

All students’ belongings must be clearly marked (full name/class/section). Students are not allowed to come to school wearing the PE outfit.

Female students are expected to maintain their hair neatly brushed.

Male students are expected to have short hair and come to school well groomed and shaved.

Odd hair colors and cuts, nail polish, and jewelry are not permitted.

Tuck Shop and Cafeteria

Students are encouraged to bring their lunch from home. A tuck shop at the division is available for healthy snacks. Moreover, the school cafeteria provides a well balanced lunch


Medicine and Illness

  • Parents are required to complete the medical report update provided at the beginning of the year. This report will be kept confidential
  • Parents are asked to promptly contact the Secondary School Administration in case their child does not come to school
  • Students on medication should hand the medicine to the division nurse with a written note from the parents
  • Whenever a student is feverish (38° or above), he/she will be isolated and the division nurse calls the parents to take the student home
  • A student must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school

The school may require the submission of a doctor’s written note in order to assure that the student’s illness is not contagious.

In case of sickness and absence on a test date, a medical report must be presented.

If lice are detected, the student should stay at home until the treatment is effectively finished.



  • The Report Card is sent four times a year: in November, February, April and July. Upon receiving the report card, parents or guardians are requested to sign the detachable slip and return it the following school day
  • Parents are encouraged to regularly check their child’s test schedule and agenda
  • Parents are asked to send a written note if there is a change in their child’s transportation mode. Phone calls and last minute notices will not be considered sufficient
  • The email address is secschool@sjs.edu.lb. Updated news are available on the school website: www.sjs.edu.lb
  • Major changes in family circumstances should be communicated to the Secondary School Administration


Parent Teacher Assembly

General assemblies for the parents of First and Third Secondary students are held at the beginning of each academic year and upon the request of the Administration.


Parent Teacher Conferences

A parent teacher conference by invitation for parents is held after the distribution of the first daily report cards. A general parent teacher conference is held prior to the midyear exams.

If parents require an appointment, they should request it from the Secondary School Administration two days ahead of time. Teachers meet with parents during the assigned office hours. Individual parent/teacher/principal conferences may be held when needed. 



The library provides a wide range of books, activities and events throughout the academic year. Students may borrow books and take them home. For any delay in returning the book or for any loss of books, students must pay the appropriate fee in compliance with the library policy. (Cf. Library Policy page 26)


Field Trips

Secondary School students go on instructive, project-related field trips. The Secondary School Administration will inform parents in advance about the details. All students must return a signed permission slip in order to participate.



Clubs at the secondary school target spiritual, social, environmental, and kinesthetic aspects of the student’s holistic growth. Students in the Secondary School Division have the opportunity to join the available clubs to develop talents and skills in their proper areas of interest.


  VIII. Student Council

General Objectives

Students are encouraged to be involved in the school life. Teachers, Administrators, Parents and Alumni, should join in efforts to help students become active members of society and better citizens.

Saint Joseph School students have a say in what goes on in their life at school. This is made possible through the actions of the class/section delegates and the student council (SC).  Each class/section elects three delegates who in turn elect the Student Council.

The SC is a voluntary, non-profit organization governed by internal laws and regulations.

The SC is involved in students’ academic, artistic, and sports activities. Additionally, the SC serves as a liaison between the students and the Administration, the Teachers, the Alumni and the Parents’ Associations.




The name of this organization is the Saint Joseph School, Cornet Chahwan, Student Council (SC).



The SC is composed of eleven members who are elected by the representatives (delegates) from each class section in the Secondary School as follows:

President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Committee Officers as deemed adequate for the yearly program approved by the Division Administration.


Duties and Responsibilities

The Student Council:

  • Serves as a liaison between the student body, the Administration and the Associations of Teachers, Alumni and Parents
  • Sponsors a series of student activities intended to serve the diverse needs of the student body. All activities should meet with the approval of the Director of student affairs and the Principal of the divisions in order to ensure their full support
  • Provides input and support for school policies



All students enrolled in the secondary division at Saint Joseph School are eligible to vote.

Elections for class delegates are held every year during the second week of October and, elections for the SC are held during the fourth week of October.



  • Candidates for class delegates must submit their candidacy to the Principal/Assistant Principal and Students’ Affairs Office during the first week of October for approval
  • Each class appoints one delegate as a representative to the SC. If an agreement is not reached among the 3 elected class delegates on student council representation, a class re-election will take place to appoint the SC candidate
  • Only class delegates have the right to submit their candidacy to the SC membership during the third week of October
  • Each candidate has to have a program of action in accordance with the SC by-laws and the school policies
  • Campaigning is permitted during the time period between candidacy and elections. Permissible forms of campaigning include:  Fliers, Articles, Posters, Debates, Presentation, and Assemblies
  • Voting for class delegates takes place in the classroom and the counting of ballots will be done in each class section in the presence of the homeroom teacher or the Students’ Affairs Office Director
  • Voting for SC members and the counting of ballots take place in the auditorium in the presence of the Principal/Assistant Principal and the SAO Director.  A minimum of one member per grade should be elected to represent the Secondary School
  • In the presence of the Principal/Assistant Principal and the SAO Director, the newly elected members will choose among themselves the officers of the SC: President, Vice - President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Committee Officers
  • Those elected to coordinate the committees are automatically invited to participate with the Principal/Assistant Principal and the SAO Director in the formation of the various committees



To be eligible to run for the SC, a student must have spent at least two academic years at Saint Joseph School, and must have a good academic and disciplinary record.

To be eligible to run for president, a student must be in 3rd secondary and have a minimum average of 14/20 and a yearly conduct of 100/100.


Each candidate must submit the following

  • A copy of I.D.
  • A C.V.
  • A copy of report card
  • A copy of disciplinary record
  • 2 passport photos



A minimum of 2/3 of the members of the SC must be present at a meeting for a decision to be made. SC officers may not miss more than two successive meetings during the school year. In the event a SC member does miss more than two successive meetings, that member will be obliged to resign from the SC.

            Elections and Duties

  1. President

The President serves as leader of the SC.

The President’s duties and responsibilities include:

  • Presiding over meetings of elected officers; council of delegates and the related student body when needed
  • Compiling and submitting a written agenda, at least one day before the SC meeting, to the Principal/Assistant Principal, SAO Director, and the members of the Council.
  • Monitoring the performance of other members
  • Drafting a schedule of activities with the assistance and input of other SC members and the respective committee coordinator
  • Working in conjunction with the treasurer to monitor and control the finances of the SC


  1. Vice-President

The Vice-President serves as leader in the absence of the president. 

His/Her duties and responsibilities include:

  • Assisting the president in monitoring the responsibilities delegated to other members of the SC
  • Taking charge of all the duties related to the president’s job in the absence of the latter


  1. Secretary

His/Her duties and responsibilities include:

  • Taking the minutes of every meeting and maintaining the filing system
  • Notifying members of meeting schedules and agendas and recording attendance
  • Maintaining formal correspondence with the different bodies inside or outside the school
  • Maintaining the SC record of activities for future reference


  1. Treasurer

His/Her duties and responsibilities include:

  • Keeping financial records
  • Maintaining and controlling finances with the SC President
  • Keeping records of all fund raising activities planned and agreed upon by the council and the School Administration
  • Presenting an official balance report once a term to the SC President. A copy of this report will be given to the Division Principal and SAO Director
  • Submitting an annual financial report to the council of delegates. A copy of this report will be given to the Division Principal and SAO Director
  • All money activities are done through the school treasurer


  1. Faculty Advisors

Two categories of SC advisors are necessary. The Principal/Assistant Principal and SAO Director are by nature advisors to the student council. Along with them, the SC has the right to choose one or more (up to 3 maximum) teacher advisors who can assist the council in the different areas of interest.


Responsibilities of the Principal/Assistant Principal and SAO Director:

  • Providing general guidance
  • Monitoring SC expenditures
  • Supervising election procedures
  • Assisting in  planning and executing SC activities
  • Serving as link between the SC and the General Administration


Responsibilities of the teacher advisors:

  • Providing special guidance in areas that concern the various committees
  • Assisting in planning and executing SC sponsored activities
  • Providing necessary resources to enhance the quality of activities