All children are bound to conform to the SJS honor code and guiding values.
Doors open at 7:25 am and close at 8:00 am.
Starting at 7:25 am, only parents or guardians of Preschool children who have an SJS car sticker (which can be obtained from the Public Relations Office) can enter the Preschool main gate in order to drop off their children in the KG.1 parking area.
KG.1 and KG.2 children are asked to attend the morning assembly at 7:50 am.
For children arriving after 8:00 am, parents are requested to accompany them to the Preschool Administration.
School buses leave at 2:30 pm.
Doors open between 2:30 pm and 2:55 pm for parents to pick up their children.
Children are not handed to any person other than the known custodian unless the same custodian instructs the Administration otherwise in writing. Under no circumstances are children handed to another student in the school.
Uniform and Attire
Children should wear the school uniform and dark leather shoes. The school’s badge should be kept on the child’s uniform for the entire academic year. All children’s belongings must be clearly marked (full name/class/section).
Parents are requested to bring a complete change of clothes in a small shoe box labeled with their child’s name. They are asked to return clean clothes in a bag the next day if their child uses the spare clothes supply.
Scarves and ties are not allowed.
Girls with long hair should have it neatly tied. Boys’ hair should be cut short.
Jewelry and nail polish are not permitted.
Parents are requested to pack two snacks in their children’s lunchbox.
Parents may put in their child’s lunch box a choice of:
Two sandwiches (cheese, butter and jam, peanut butter…)
Vegetables (cucumber, lettuce, carrots)
Fresh fruits (apples, pears and other fruits); the pits must be removed from the fruits
Dry fruits, cereal bars, cookies, dry cakes, and wafers
The school provides juice and milk.
The following items are strictly forbidden: Lollypops, chewing-gum, chocolate bars, chocolate sandwiches, sweets, manakish, chips, peanuts, fruits with pits, and similar items.
Sometimes special items are cooked at school for educational illustration purposes, and parents may be asked to send supplies for this activity.
Food allergies and intolerances should be reported to the Preschool Administration immediately.
Medicine and illness
Parents, assisted by the family physician, are asked to complete the medical report provided at the beginning of the year. This report will be kept confidential.
Parents are asked to promptly contact the Preschool Administration in case their child does not come to school.
Children should not handle medication. All medications must be turned in to the nurse’s office by parents or the bus supervisor.
When the child is ill, parents are requested not to bring him/her to school in order to preserve the well being of all children because Illnesses spread quickly in early childcare settings. The school recommends that a child be kept under home supervision at the onset of any of the following symptoms:
Fever, current or within the past 24 hours
Diarrhea or vomiting
Yellow or green nasal discharge
Any symptom of childhood disease such as chicken pox…
Sore throat or croupy cough
Any unexplained or contagious rash or pink eye
Whenever a child is feverish (38° or above), he/she will be isolated and parents will be called to pick him/her up immediately from school.
A child must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning to the classroom.
The school may require the submission of a doctor’s written permission to assure that the child is not contagious.
If lice are detected, parents are asked to keep the child at home until the treatment is effectively finished.
Preschool Administration frequently sends written notes during the school year. The children’s schoolbags should be daily checked for written notes sent by the Administration. The agendas of KG.2 children should be daily checked
Preschool report cards are distributed three times per year: in January, April and June
Upon receiving the report card, parents or guardians are requested to sign the detachable slip and return it to school the following day
Major changes in family circumstances should be communicated to the Preschool Administration
The Preschool email address is Updated news are available on the school website:
Parent Teacher Assembly
A general assembly for the parents of Nursery Children is held at the beginning of each academic year and upon the request of the Administration.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences are held twice a year after the distribution of the first and second report cards. A parent or teacher may request an individual conference if needed. If parents require an appointment, they should request it from the Preschool Administration two days ahead of time. Teachers meet with parents during assigned hours.
Field Trips
Preschool children go on some off-campus field trips. The Preschool Administration will inform the parents in advance about the details. All children must return a signed permission slip in order to participate.
Toys and Money
All children’s toys and pencil cases should not be brought to school.
Children should not bring money to school unless a written permission is issued by the Administration.
Children are frequently reminded of the school’s regulations and class rules
Schoolbags on casters are strictly forbidden
Parents are asked not to expose their children to violent films or encourage them to hit their classmates
When major problems occur, a parent - teacher - principal meeting is held for resolution