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I. Objectives

The main objectives of the Upper Elementary Division are to:

  •    Promote Christian and social values that help students’ physical, intellectual and moral growth, thereby preparing each student to become a responsible citizen and active member of the society
  •   Expose students to advanced informational and instructional technology to instill in them problem solving skills and critical thinking
  •  Train students to handle academic duties in a responsible and autonomous manner


Age Groups

Grade 4

9-10 years old

Grade 5

10-11 years old

Grade 6

11-12 years old


II. Curriculum
  • In Grade 4, students learn, in alignment with the national curriculum and SJS standards, skills that guide them to work autonomously and cooperatively with others
  • In Grade 5, students follow the mapped curriculum and a group learning dynamic is emphasized
  • In Grade 6, students acquire the skills and competencies required in Middle School


The curriculum at the Upper Elementary level includes the following subjects: Christian Education, Arabic, English, French, Mathematics, Sciences, Social Studies (Geography and Civics), Computer, Art, Theater, Music, and Physical Education. The teaching methodology is student-centered using various teaching strategies and styles to cater for diverse students’ needs and learning styles. These include pair work, group work, peer coaching, research papers, project-based assignments and the use of advanced technology. 

The curriculum integrates the programs of Counseling Department, Child Development, Nutrition Awareness and Morning Assemblies in order to help the child grow spiritually, physically, emotionally, and intellectually.

III. Extra-Curricular Activities

Students participate in extra-curricular activities such as sports, choir, clubs, competitions, exhibitions and projects. The activities held throughout the academic year are the following: Drop Everything and Read program (DEAR), Morning assemblies, Award Distribution Ceremony, Flag Day celebrations, Christmas, Lent and other campaigns, Book Fair, Reading Week, “Vintage”, and other celebrations.

The aim of such activities is to help each child become a caring, committed and active member in the community.

IV. Promotion Policy



18  -  20

Very Good

16 – 17.99    


15 – 15.99


13 – 14.99


12 – 12.99


Below 12









In order to be promoted, a student must meet the following general criteria:

  • A minimum attendance of 135 days during the academic year
  • A minimum conduct grade of 85/100
  • A minimum general final average of 12/20
  • A minimum general final average of 12/20 in each of the following core subjects: Arabic, English, French, and Mathematics


The final general average is calculated as follows: 50% on the daily grades and 50% on the term exam grades.

In case a student fails to meet one of the above required conditions, the following will apply:

  • A student who fails to meet some of the academic requirements may be conditionally promoted and must sit for qualifying exams and follow-up procedures required by the promotion committee
  • A student who has a final average below 12/20 may be asked to repeat his/her grade or change school depending on his/her general profile. A subsequent failure results in asking the student to change school
  • A student with a conduct grade of 85/100 or below may be asked to change school
  • A student with a conduct grade between 86/100 and 90/100 will be placed under disciplinary probation for one year. Failure to abide by the probation requirements may result in asking the student to change school.

V. Homework Policy

The student is always expected to do his homework. In case a homework assignment is not completed, the following measures will be taken:

1st time: the student has to do extra work at home

2nd time: if the student does not do the homework in the same subject, one point is deducted from the next test and the student’s parents are notified.

3rd time: if the student does not do the homework in the same subject, a detention will be given on Saturday. In this case, a demerit slip may be issued, because this reflects lack of self discipline.

VI. Rules and regulations

All children are bound to conform to the SJS honor code and guiding values.



Doors open at 7:25 am and close at 8:00 am. All students are asked to be present at 7:50 am for the morning assembly. For students arriving after 8:00 am, parents are requested to accompany them to the Administration prior to attending class.



Students are dismissed at 2:50 pm. Students who use the school transportation are asked to head to their respective buses promptly, while those who leave by private means, should head to the school main gate and leave by 3:15 pm.



Discipline is a shared responsibility among the students, the parents, and the school. Students are encouraged to communicate positively with each other using respectful language and courteous manners. During recess, they are encouraged to play cooperatively with each other.


Merit and Demerit System (Cf. School Policies page 16)


Uniform and Attire

Students are expected to wear the SJS uniform and dark leather shoes. Students are not allowed to come to school wearing the PE outfit. All students’ belongings must be clearly marked (full name/class/section).

Boys’ hair should be cut short and girls with long hair should have it neatly tied.

 Jewelry, nail polish, Scarves, and ties are not permitted.


      Tuck Shop & Cafeteria

Students are encouraged to bring their lunch from home. In addition, a tuck shop offers healthy snacks in the division. Pocket money should be limited to minimal amounts. Moreover, the school cafeteria offers a well balanced lunch.


Medicine and Illness

  • Parents are required to complete the medical report update provided at the beginning of the year. This report will be kept confidential
  • Parents are asked to promptly contact the Upper Elementary Administration  in case their child does not come to school
  • Students should not handle medication. All medications must be turned in to the nurse’s office by parents or the bus supervisor
  • Whenever a student is feverish (38° or above), he/she will be isolated and parents will be called to pick him/her up immediately from school.
  • A student must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school.

The school may require the submission of a doctor’s written permission to assure that the student’s illness is not contagious.

If lice are detected, parents are asked to keep the child at home until the treatment is effectively finished.



  • The Report Card is sent four times a year: in November, February, April and July. Upon receiving the report card, parents or guardians are requested to sign the detachable slip and   return it the following school day
  • Parents are asked to daily check their child’s schoolbag for written notes sent by the Administration.The agenda should be daily checked as well. Corrected tests and quizzes should be signed by parents
  • The Information Page on the student’s agenda should be filled out by parents at the beginning of the school year
  • Parents are asked to send a written note if there is a change in their child’s transportation mode. Phone calls and last minute notices will not be considered sufficient
  • Major changes in family circumstances should be communicated to the Upper Elementary Administration
  •  The email address is ueschool@sjs.edu.lb. Updated news are available on the school’s website: www.sjs.edu.lb


Parent Teacher Assembly

A general assembly for the parents of grade 4 students is held at the beginning of each academic year and upon the request of the Administration.


Parent teacher conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences are held twice a year.  A parent or teacher may request an individual conference if needed. If parents require an appointment, they should request it from the Upper Elementary Administration two days ahead of time. Teachers meet with parents during the assigned office hours.



The library provides a wide range of activities and events throughout the academic year. Students may borrow books and take them home. For any delay in returning the book or for any loss of books, children must pay the appropriate fee in compliance with the library policy. (cf. Library Policy on p. 26)


Field Trips

Upper Elementary students go on instructive field trips. The Upper Elementary Administration informs parents in advance about the details. All students must return a signed permission slip in order to participate



Clubs at the Upper Elementary Division target spiritual, social, environmental, and kinesthetic aspects of the student’s holistic growth. Students in the Upper Elementary Division have the opportunity to join the available clubs to develop talents and skills in their proper areas of interest.