Medical Department

I. Dental Department

The dental health program aims at:

  • Increasing the children's awareness of dental health and improving their hygiene
  • Informing the parents of their children’s dental condition and diagnosing present problems or diseases
  • Maintaining yearly record for each student and monitoring treatment and disease progress
  • From KG1 to grade 6, the students are checked up by a pediatric dentist each year. The students   of Grade 7, 8,1st and 2nd Sec are examined by a dental surgeon. Detailed reports are sent to parents regarding disease and evolution of the dentition
  • Short conferences are held in the preschool division for the parents of KG.1 to inform them about proper nutrition and early oral care because treatment is difficult at their younger age
  • According to the child development program every year, children in Grade 3 are lectured on dental health problems. Audio/video materials and hands-on experiences are conducted to increase students’ awareness of ways to prevent cavities and maintain healthy teeth

II. Medical Department

The medical department, supervised by the school physician, is made up of four infirmaries, each staffed with one nurse.

  • Minor emergencies: are attended to at one of the school infirmaries
  • Severe emergencies: are transferred to hospital care after notifying the student’s parents


Medical records are maintained by the medical department. 

Upon the registration of the child, a confidential medical form is filled out by the child’s parents and their family physician, specifying details about age, vaccinations, past illnesses, present problems and family status. This form is returned to the school to become part of each student’s medical file.

A regular comprehensive check up including age, weight, height and vision is performed by the school physician.

III. Nutrition Department

A school nutritionist plans and conducts nutritional programs that assist in promoting good health, controlling food services and preventing diseases related to nutrition. This is done through developing a curriculum and preparing manuals, visual aids, course outlines, and other materials used in teaching. A school nutritionist also coordinates nutrition projects executed by the students.